So at ma new jeorb I have to write a lot, but not all of it, or maybe more like none of it, can be that off the cuff weirdass humor I am so wont to use. So..This will now be, the place for be to unload all that nonsense and keep it from groping my work stuff, they might accidentally make babies and then I would get fired.
Pants down hands down, this will be my THOUGHT LAND PLACE
Some of this will be stuff I wish I could write in descriptions of software, games, mobile apps, etc. that I just have to put somewhere or else the comedic gold/pure insanity will be forever lost and all the dragons in the world will shed one dragony tear. And no one wants that.
So, here tis, some stuff I done wrote today that I really wish could be published (like on twitter or something, nothing faaancy)...some of it gets stream-of-concious-y but who cares. Do you? Yeah? Well then fuck off man.
And it´s not all 100% funny, I´m fully aware of that, geez. It´s mostly just absurd and random. Like bees.
Bossest Game in Da Hood
Shift into
throttle gear in this super dopeass new game! What is it? Its called like,
Sector Strike or Super Sex Striker, Im not sure which I lost track of it all.
Throttle it away and stuff, fill your bottle with throttle…that would be a good
ad…for like some sex drink for your sex drivvvve...
Don´t worry
about the ladies next door! They don’t have YOUR game…
THOUGHT: Babylon is like Babbly Lawn; your lawn talks too much, shut it up SHUT IT UUUUPPPP
Title Eltit..El....Tit...hahahahaha