jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


How about some good old-fashioned feminism up in this joint?? Seriously, when will there be a time when me thinking someone is good at guitar FOR A GIRL, be an obsolete thought? Why do I have to attach her sex to it? Why does that matter? How come, if she doesn´t fit into the narrow standards of beauty we have, I start to doubt that she´s even good? I don´t intend to say that I am immune to that force of un-nature, the media; that´s why I use myself as the example. Bloop bloop let us move on.

I know I tend to get into little, no sé, obsessions with a topic, that last and sometimes don´t, but this is one that probably will, I just tend to let it fall asleep and lay dormant far more often than I should.  Also sometimes I get sick of hearing myself think about the same things over and over, which is why I tend not to write blog entries.  I´m working on it.

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