lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

pinsy winsy down the block
woonsy poonsy on your cock
funsy tunsy wants to play
onesie bunsie says no way

whats that my dear, you want to cum?
too bad my dear, im on the run
you'll have to rub and tug alone
for I have no time to make you  moan

the female cock is quite a thing
no one seems to make it ring
quite like the dame herself
or, perhaps, her little elf

when will it be that ladies find
a way to make the bump and grind
into something mutual
and not just a wish sublime?
this is where all the angries go, when the angry langreys snow.
they eat the earth and break the hoe
pants dance upon the pants dance moon
and bubbies sigh as wubbies swoon

how doth thou skrimpet wrimpet cling
to nether slide and mether swing
whence was the last timeth thou saw
the wimbly probe of garabal?

A, twas a night as foul
as the furman's towel
when the wimbly probe did blithley scowl
and henceforth prod the tobler one
with its sunny moon and moony sun

And thus the story lore-y goes
with bubbie sighs and angry snows
next time you need some poop scoop love
please do not molest my dove